Located in the lobby of the Conrad Hotel, TwentyEight is an oasis of muted monochromes with discrete edges. The bar's sleek design displays a tight graphic crispness, while linen shades and leather upholstery in cream and brown impart a contrasting softness. When planning the interior for the Conrad, G.A. Design envisioned a garden of urban tranquility, and TwentyEight, with its soaring ceilings, angled skylights, and excellent views of Tokyo Bay, proves to be a relaxing spot in Shiodome.
While teatime is popular here, dusk is arguably the best time to visit TwentyEight; calm settles over the space as the sunlight fades and votive candles flicker to life. The scene gets busier in the evenings, when the after-work crowd rolls in and the live band strikes up, but beware the Y1800 seating charge after 8pm.
by Melinda Joe